In year 2024, J.Thielmann Automatisierungtechnik, Haiger has supported the following charitable organizations and societies. As an in-house project, we recognize the regional voluntary work of our employees. We want to thank all our customers for their good cooperation and trust in our company and products during this past year. Your confidence makes this support possible. Below are some projects and receiver that we support, beside others.

Mercy is gentle 2024
We promote voluntary work

People who volunteer in association, churches and other organizations, thereby helping to shape the region and the common good, are pillars of our society.
As a company, we actively promote this involvement by rewarding every hour of voluntary work. Each employee can add up the volunteer time invested during the year, in total more than 400 hours in year 2024. The association/organization receives a donation directly related to the employee.
In this way, we are not only relevant, when we supply our national and international customers, but also make an active social contribution to strengthening the region and volunteering – where we work and live.
Sponsoring association of Johanneum Gymnasium Herborn
JOHANNEA e.V. achieves its non-profit goals in particular by supporting events in the Johanneum school at Herborn for students, parents, former students and teachers, by providing staffing and material support for the school library and all-day supervision as well as by organising school reunions. With more than 800 members, the association employs people in the break room, in homework supervision, in the “lunch break on the move”, and the library and information centre; it also employs a school social education worker and occupies a position for the voluntary social service year. JOHANNEA publishes the school’s annual magazine every year in May. Without the generous donations of companies, institutions and private individuals, their work in its current form would be impossible.
Kulturscheune Herborn (barn of culture)
Since September 2004, Herborn has a location, which got in short time a fixed point for cabaret and venue with a special flair. The program of culture enriches people beyond the boundaries of the region.
Word of Life e.V.
as a Christian child and youth work, is recognized as a non-profit organization and is based on the faith of the German Evangelical Allianz.
In the castles of Unterallmannshausen and Seeburg at Berg, Starnberger See, WDL runs holiday activities and school class trips. In addition, children and young people study musicals under the guidance of WDL. The musicals get presented to the public in various locations of the regions all over Germany. The contemporary music and sports programs are attracting over 5,000 young people from all over Germany every year. The name Word of Life is from the Bible verse “Holding forth the word of life“ (Philippians 2:16).